Englisch »Mural Painting »Grey Tone Painting »Illusionistic Architecture

Illusionistic Architecture

With illusionistic architecture ( also called “architectural painting” or "faux architecture") we depict architectural elements on the plain painting surface which, in principle, could realistically have been built there.
The up to 16m high walls in the atrium of the “Franziskaner” in Munich show ver well, how strong the effect of such illusionism can be - even if the observer knows that, that everything is “just painted”. Classic elements of the virtual architecture are columns (pedestals, capitals, fluting), pilaster, niches, and other things.

Klassische Elemente der Scheinarchitektur sind Säulen (Sockel, Kapitelle, Kanneluren), Pilaster, Nischen, Bossen und anderes.