Englisch »Farbe mobil® »Is that art?

Is that art?

Many people expect art to
-    have a statement, that it wants to mean something and expects an interpretation from the person looking at it,
-    that art is traded through special distribution channels, that it can only be found in galleries and museums,
-    that artists are “free” and that they do whatever they like.

In comparison to art, decoration is very often viewed by many as
-    less challenging and more superficial,
-    it having a function that is distraction and amusement,
-    functioning as a tool to hide build-faults on the facade of buildings.

Kunst oder Dekoration?

Viele Menschen erwarten von Kunst,

- dass sie eine „eigene Aussage“ hat, etwas sagen will oder eine Stellungnahme vom Betrachter erwartet,
- dass sie über spezielle Vertriebswege gehandelt wird, in Galerien und Museen anzutreffen ist,
- dass Künstler „frei“ sind und tun was sie wollen.

Im Gegensatz zur Kunst wird Dekoration von vielen Menschen

- als weniger anspruchsvoll und oberflächlich angesehen.
- Ihre Funktion sei oft die Ablenkung oder Unterhaltung,
- am Bau würden Dekorationen gern zum Kaschieren oder Aufhübschen baulicher Mängel verwendet.

These drapes are exceptionally decorative, but they are not “just” a decorative element.

These drapes are exceptionally decorative, but they are not “just” a decorative element.

He conveys the “style of the house” and creates a special atmosphere.

He conveys the “style of the house” and creates a special atmosphere.

Farbe-mobil®: Visual services

Farbe-mobil® can’t be reduced to the standard cliches of art and decoration.
We work with artistic methods and artistic empathy, however not to the end of self presentation, provocation or by patronising the person looking at the work.

Farbe-mobil® offers some sensual nourishment to the eye, that can be usefully included into the function of the room:
- We refine the atmosphere of the room
- without overplaying the architecture or dominating it,
- we accompany the function of the room with colour impulses and proposals for paintings,
- but don’t design for the sake of designing,
- we take the expectations and experiences of the users seriously.
- Farbe mobil® is marketed at calculated, comprehensible prices.

The atmospheric pictures take they power from the interplay between geometry and deep, intensive colours…

The atmospheric pictures take they power from the interplay between geometry and deep, intensive colours…

…that wins you over even further with rich nuances and relief like filling techniques.

…that wins you over even further with rich nuances and relief like filling techniques.