Englisch »Seminars »How do I paint trees?

How do I paint trees?

Everyone loves trees! Every type of tree evokes a different mood. In the course of the seminar we will examine the typical features of different kinds of trees and try to reproduce the characteristics of each tree.
This is mainly in regard to branches and leafs, as well as trees as a whole.
We will first of all cautiously approach the sculptural volume of treetops. On this basis we will develop representations of trees, which will be sculptured with a high contrast through the use of light and shade.

At first you will create example paintings on canvas or artist’s board (30cm x 30cm). They will each be painted using a different technique, which we will teach you.
Afterwards you will choose your personal tree motif from a choice of several. (60cm x80cm)
We will provide a wide variety of pictures and blueprints for your use.
The example paintings shown on this page are exemplary of the work we will produce in the course of the weekend.

Cost: 330,- €, +. 19% VAT. (=62,70 €), totalling: 392,70 €
in bulk 10%:  297 € + VAT. (56,43) = 353,43 €
in bulk 20%: 264 € + VAT. (50,16) = 314,16 €

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