Englisch »Mural Painting »Modern Styles

Modern Styles

Find the right design for every situation: This is why we maintain the ability to paint in several different styles. The style of the painting in the pool, documented on this page, was developed in correspondence with the client and his individual needs and requests.
When choosing the abstracted theme, we took into consideration the family’s enthusiasm for underwater worlds, which especially the children are very keen on and often explore them whilst diving. Additionally we catered to the architect’s very high demand for artistic sophistication, and the clear line of the architect’s house, which we refer to in the form of silhouette like motives on glazed surfaces.

Picture of work in progress with the pool covered

Picture of work in progress with the pool covered

The painted pool house

The painted pool house

Sealing the walls

Sealing the walls

Detail from the front wall

Detail from the front wall

Refining the design

Refining the design

Another reference point is made through the stainless steel sculptures in the atrium on the other side of the big sliding doors. They take the form of Monsteras, a plant from the arum family. Monsteras look exceptionally like underwater plants, so that we could include the theme in the painting. The left side of the mural painting corresponds with the form and colour of the tiles of the shower. Generally, in every composition, we try to refer to existing forms and design around us, to incorporate the painting into the already existing style of the interior.

The original situation

The original situation

transfer of the original draft

transfer of the original draft