Englisch »Farbe mobil® »Sport and leisure

Sport and leisure


The asian style-elements in a fitness centre are included in our 4 large putty-pictures. The abstract lines may be read as a trigram-sign and they represent the 4 elements.

In the cardio areas of a large sports centre we installed affirmation-plates. The 6 square metre large motivation picture “never give up” provides that last necessary bit of stamina in spin class.

Wellness and rehabilitation centre

left: Instead of a full scale wall painting, sometimes a Farbe mobil® picture series, if it formulates the necessary messages for relaxation with appropriate style, also does the trick. With the help of sky- and beach-motifs we convey an experience of calm-and freshness.
middle: The colour mood in this berlin practice for physiotherapy orientates itself along the colour recommendations, that have resulted from a survey amongst all employees by using the HPM-COLOR test.
right: with the relaxing cloud painting, every purpose of this studio (Chi-Gong, Gymnastics, Lectures) is usefully accompanied.