Farbe mobil®

Most walls are white, and most of the time they are supposed to stay white.
But without colour an important emotional factor is missing.
Farbe-mobil® brings colour to your rooms in a flexible manner, improves the quality of stay, lends style and atmosphere to the place - without the walls having to be painted in colour.
If you wish a different effect, just change the colours and the picture motifs. Everything is painted on movable objects.

The standard in administrative buildings: White walls

The standard in administrative buildings: White walls

Individualising the mood of a room with glazed plates

Individualising the mood of a room with glazed plates

Affirming the mood with a representational motif

Affirming the mood with a representational motif

The philosophie of Farbe-mobil®

The effect of colored areas on humans is more and more subject of scientific research.
There are a lot of reasons for a conscious responsible use of colours in every room.

Farbe-mobil® in practice

Look at the Farbe-mobil® projects designed by Ursula and Martin Benad.
No project is like the other. For your concrete situation we will find an individual solution not shown on this page!

Books about Farbe-mobil®

A classic from 2005: Farbe mobil® - Farbenergien erfolgreich nutzen (Using colour energies successfully) describes the topic for the first time. Many projects developed from this and are not accounted for in the book just yet.
In the textbook Farbgestaltung Innenraum (2010), the topic of Farbe-mobil® has its own chapter, in which the basic principles of colour design with large format movable paintings are comprised in said chapter.